Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Post notes on Adagio For String Video

I realized after watching the entire video I posted of Adagio For  Strings, that the original broadcast was only four days after the terrorists attacks of 9/11.   Leonard Slatkin conducts the BBC Orchestra from the Royal Albert Hall in London September 15 2001, thus the images of so many people in England holding both their Union Jack and the American Flag. Positively there are several Americans in the audience here as so many of them were stranded from that horrific event. I have a vague memory of the televised broadcast - we were all glued to the media for a good two weeks. So much of that day is wrapped in a memory of the World Trade Towers and even when you Google 9/11, the majority of the images are of the devastation in NY. It's difficult to say whether we will ever fully recover from that single day. I think the reason New York is such a resilient city is in part due to their common trauma of September 11, 2001. As a city and as a people, they have a bond in grief and tragedy. Perhaps a little dramatic, but in viewing this performance and seeing the flag floating so quietly, it really astounds you of the depth of every piece of every moment that encapsulated every North American that day.

I'm re-posting it here

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