I'm staying in tonight and preparing my mom's Colcannon dinner, I've rented "MILK" as well as another film, obscure and from the UK, "Happy-Go-Lucky". That's my St Patrick's Day thing.
Today at work I was completely drained since we received a call about an older German Shepherd wondering through traffic in West Van - limping but totally disoriented and not street smart - completely lost. Our bylaw officer couldn't get him and now the guy is still lost, hopefully not getting hit by a vehicle. I can't take it. I left work around 4:45 and went looking for him myself. The SPCA in West Van doesn't handle animals at large - they don't do it. They have the staff and the vehicles, but believe or not, you call about a missing dog you've found and they tell you to call the Municipal Hall.
I'm wondering if the West Vancouver SPCA is nothing more than a cheap dog hotel. It's crazy and stupid and I hate it. I WILL lose sleep over this dog. It's my worst nightmare.
This is the face I'm thinking about...

Hon, I totally feel your despair! A poor dog wandering around, lost and in pain - OMG -- it breaks my heart. I just hugged Cass and told her she is never allowed out without me.
They spend all their time trying to get out of the yard and when they finally do they look all disoriented and lost. Poor li'l guy...
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