Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 25 at the Olympics, part 1

Thursday afternoon my Dad, my younger brother Christopher, my pal Moira and I converged at Canada Hockey Place for the Olympic medal Women's Hockey game - Canada vs USA. It was astounding. And my camera battery charge was nearly zilch. UGH! The few shots I got are interesting, the first below is my attempt to capture Trevor Linden and Corner Gas actress sitting in the private box right above our seats. The second one - golden - there he is Trevor Linden and my dad - hilarious.
Brent Butt was there sitting above us too. Later we had Premier Campbell's brother Michael Campbell sit a few rows over from us. Chris went outside for a heater and when he studied the guy next to him, he realized it was former Barenaked Ladies vocalist, Steven Page (who's looking a lot like Matthew Good these days). It is actually beyond description being there. My right ear has lost some hearing due to Moira's screaming next to me. An unforgettable experience.

Trevor Linden in grey shirt, turned away as I snuck my paparazzi shot.

It was star-studded all around and because of the way my dear old dad dresses for work, people kept looking over at him, thinking he might be someone famous. Even the actress from Corner Gas is looking over at him..."Hmmmm, who is that guy?" Chris and I had a chuckle with these glances at dad. My big brother Mike would have loved this.

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